Thursday, May 5, 2011

Congratulations to Art Scholarship Winners!

It was very hard to choose the winners of the 2011 Summer Art Class Scholarships from the many applicants. CONGRATULATIONS to the following students who have been chosen:
Kristin Brown, India Soodan, Greta Fleischer, Jen Eisner, Cuyler Dull and Johana Oldach!

These scholarships were begun by former Julian art teacher Robert Smith in honor of his friend, Myra Beckwith. Terra Incognito continues to sponsor a scholarship and the Julian PTO sponsors two scholarships each year. Thank you to all for your generous support of the arts!

Monday, March 14, 2011

District 97 joins Youth Art Month celebrations

All ten district school have work hanging in the Art Extravaganza at Oak Park River Forest High School for the month of March. Check it out!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Interested in Photoshop?

Go to my other blog, Manipulating Photos:
Try some of these lessons. Start at the first one if you are a beginner.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

is busy meeting every Thursday morning. We have 22 dedicated students coming each week, along with a parent who is a welcome set of helping hands! We have been working on learning different stitches and sewing sock animals. Watch for pictures coming soon.
Soon we will start some winter projects with wool, wet felting and knitting. We need more knitting needles and yarn for such a large group. So we will begin collecting $5.00 from each student to help offset this cost.
We are always looking for donations of fiber art materials such as: yarn, felt, thread, buttons and knitting needles.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Julian Art Installations

e the main entrance of the school you will notice brightly colored yarn work attached to a tree. Members of the Fiber Arts Club knitted and crocheted the pieces and last year several of us completed the project by attaching it to the tree outside Dr. Sharts office. It is a small accompaniment to the Knit Knot Down the Block project done on South Oak Park Avenue a couple years ago. You can see that project by going to this link.

If you are in
the Arts Wing, (D wing 3rd floor), you will see a 7th grade Year Long Rotation class Art Installation. Many boxes of fabric were donated by the Curry family. Students stuffed the fabric with packing peanuts using rubber bands and then sewed the little pouches to a large black piece of cloth. The little packets are arranged from warm to cool colors and suggest a growing organism... something found in nature.

The installation hanging in the main four story spine of the school
was created by 6th grade students in 2005-06 with the help of visiting artist and parent, Margot McMahon. Each piece was designed and created by students to suggest one of the seven intelligences or ways that people learn. You can read more about it on the wall outside the auditorium on the first floor.

If you are interested in helping with future Art Installations, please let know!

8th grade trimester elective - FINE ARTS

This course meets as an advanced trimester elective. Students use a wide variety of media to do projects that reinforce the basic elements and principles of design. Students investigate the work of artists in the world today: what inspires them, where they get their ideas and how they chose their materials. The artist’s place in society, as well as art as a vocation is addressed. Each trimester has a different theme.

A sketchbook is required for this class. Students may bring in one they have or purchase one from me for $3.00. Sketchbooks are used for drawing, planning sketches for assignments as well as for other sketchbook/journal assignments which complement the curriculum.

Grades are based on the daily effort of the students and the quality of the work they complete.

Click here to see work from past classes.
1st trimester - Nature and the Environment
This trimester focuses on art and artists that use nature as the impetus for their art. Some artists make statements about nature (ecology and environmental issues), others use nature as inspiration.

Students take advantage of the beautiful September weather by drawing plants around the school in their sketchbooks. The drawings train the students to draw from observation as well as provide sources for projects.

Students also sculpt animals and plants from polymer clay (some of the 900 lbs donated by Sculpey) and create paintings based on their drawings.

Students complete reports on artists that work with recycled materials. They report to their classmates on these artists, giving ideas for their final project, a sculpture of their own using recycled materials that have been collected for this purpose

2nd Trimester - Art and the Human Figure

The focus of this course is on how artists and artisans use the human body for inspiration in creating their art. Students will learn about correct proportions as well learn how to draw the figure by posing for each other. They will create drawings, paintings and sculpture in different media. This semester also includes a three week long unit in photography and using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Students take photographs with a digital camera and then manipulate the photos creating self portraits and other projects in the style of several well known artists.

3rd trimester - Design, Text and Book Arts

In the spring trimester, students will learn that art is not only about a pretty picture, but about ideas that are sometimes so conceptual that they need text or words to help get across the message of the artist. We will look at artists that use text in different formats as their art form, such as Barbara Kruger and Jenny Holzer and graffitti artists such as Keith Haring.

They will experiment with collage and multimedia compositions that include text.

The final project will be to create an " altered" book. This is an art form where artists use the traditional book format as the spring board for their art ideas. The students will chose a story from their life to tell in their book.